Who says you can't have games on your site! Widgetbox has tons of things (aka widgets) that can be added to your blog for fun. And doing so is simple--visit their site and find a widget that you like. Decide which column you want it located in, adjust the size accordingly by changing the height and width, and choose "Get Widget." Choose the site that you want to add the widget to (in our case, Blogger) and it prepares the widget. All that is left now is to hit "install" and confirm with Blogger that you want to add the widget.
Once it is added to Blogger you can choose to move its location on the page by dragging it around on the template page.
**please note that we do not endorse Widgetbox.com nor any of its widgets.
I put a widget game on my blog, but then had problems and deleted it. How do you get it to go away off of my page?
Also how do you move it? I haven't figured that one out yet.
@ Pastor Melissa-
Both of these things can be done by choosing "customize" in the upper right-hand corner and going to the Layout tab, Page Elements (probably where you will end up when you click "customize."
On that page you will see boxes representing each element on your page. To move elements, place your cursor over the element. Your mouse will change cursors when you move it on top of movable elements. Just click, hold, and drag the element to where you want it to appear.
To delete elements, choose "Edit" in the lower left corner of the box. When the element loads, choose the "remove page element" button and it will be deleted.
Hope that helps!
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