
Outreach Resources of the Year

GPH has recently been given a huge honor! MEGA Sports Camp: Game Plan and Welcome to Holsom: Adventures in Faith were selected as two out of the three Children's Outreach winners in Outreach Magazines 6th annual “Resources of the Year” issue.

If you have already tried MSC or Adventures in Faith, this is probably no surprise to you, but if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?!

Evaluator Angie Meus stated that, MEGA Sports Camp creates "an awesome opportunity for churches." She noted the camp features the right combination of competition, skill-development, biblical teachings and life skills to keep kids engaged.

To put Adventures in Faith to the test, Meus says she gave it to the boys. "They wanted to read the action- and suspense-filled comic until the end, not stopping at the section breaks," she shares. Meus says she also came away impressed by the godly examples and lessons woven into this adventure.

"Our greatest desire is to develop products that 'work' in today's culture," explains GPH National Director JT Wray. "The Outreach awards are an indication that we're headed in the right direction. I believe the recognition will encourage churches to try these great outreach tools.”

Welcome to Holsom: Adventures in Faith is on sale now! Click here to take advantage of it before it’s too late! Sale ends March 31, 2009.

Credit: Outreach Magazine March/April 2009 issue, page 64

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