
Confessions of HighPoint User

Here is a picture sent in by Hannah East. Hannah is the Children's Pastor of Westside A/G in Jacksonville, FL. We interviewed Hannah about her use of HP:

1. How easy or difficult was it to use HighPoint material? At first glance, I was overwhelmed by the Highpoint curriculum, but after walking through the first lesson, I was immediately hooked. My volunteers are able to follow along because the set up stays the same regardless of the topic.

2. What have been some of the results of your using HP? The kids are always excited to come back every week because of the travel theme and the characters. I am always being asked which country we are going to on Sunday and which character will be visiting us. Also, I feel like the kids really learning because The Point is continually reinforced throughout the five weeks.

3. How easy was it to set up and prepare Teachers? Helpers?Compared to the other curriculums I have used, HighPoint is very easy to set up. I can prepare for a Sunday morning service in less than 3 hours. HighPoint also makes it very easy to prepare the volunteer staff. They do not have to spend absorbent amounts of time studying and they are able to spend more time focusing on the needs of the kids.

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